In contrast to the BNP, all parties contesting wards in Epping Forest district have published comprehensive Essex manifestos to win the support of local voters, even the minor parties like the Green Party and the Loughton Residents Association. For all the malaise in politics at the present time, the BNP have shown they have no interest in your opinion or in the future of Essex. All they have done is march around with the Essex flag - upside down!
So that you, the voter, can make an informed choice, we have listed the manifesto highlights for all parties contesting in the local elections, in alphabetical order.
In the mean time, keep watching this space for new insights into Epping Forest BNP ...!

Manifesto: A Record of Action. A Promise for More
- Keeping Council tax rises below inflation
- Concessionary fares for 14-19 year olds in full time education
- Developing over a thousand apprenticeships across Essex
- Helping local businesses benefit from our groundbreaking Bank of Essex
- £100 million investment in vocational skills training
- Recycling to reach 60% by 2020
- £200 million of tax payers money to be saved through streamlining processes and slashing bureaucracy
- Expansion of popular schools
- Leading the campaign to establish a sustainable and fair social care system in the UK

Manifesto for 2009
- The Greens work with others to raise standards in Social Services and Children's Services. There needs to be better integration with NHS services, particularly for continuing care for the elderly.
- Green Councillors will work to improve provision for elderly care, both residential and at home.
- Greens oppose further privatisation in public services, especially expensive PFI schemes that cost the taxpayer far more than equivalent public funded projects and unfairly benefit shareholders of private companies at public expense.
- Green Councillors will work to improve library services. There needs to be improved integration with other public information services ie "one stop shops".
- Greens will strongly oppose closure of local fire stations.
- Greens will oppose more development on sports fields.
- Greens will support better youth activities to help cut anti-social behaviour.

Manifesto: Save Essex County Council
- More resources for footpath/pavement repairs
- More resources for pothole repairs on roads in our towns and villages
- Major investment in our libraries, including substantial new money into the book fund
- Substantial investment into children’s and adult care services
- Greater support for public transport
- To raise standards in our schools
- Reversal of the damaging Tory waste policy
- Huge reduction in consultancy costs

Manifesto: Make it Happen
- Proper maintenance of our roads all year round - not just at election time
- Cut the extra cash allowances given to most Conservative county councillors. Invest more in care for the elderly and disabled
- Cut the County Council's massive £200 million in reserves. Give tax-payers their money back.
- Cut the County Council's £5 million per year propaganda budget. Invest in youth services.
- Stop the County Council gambling £50 million of your money on the Bank of Essex. Help businesses create more jobs in Essex.
- Stop chasing headlines. Provide good quality, good value public services.
Loughton Residents Association
Manifesto: An independent voice for Loughton, free of party political interests
- Getting the Debden bus stops back to original position.
- Getting new bus stops to serve College on Borders Lane.
- Pressing for renewal of the pavement near Morrison's.
- A major scheme of resurfacing estate roads in Loughton and Debden.
- Some recognition that Loughton is hilly and its local roads gritting and salting.
- Stopping the absurd idea of switching off all street lights at midnight.
- Getting the High Road enhancement finished. The Conservative-run District Council have washed their hands of it so pressure on ECC has to be maintained.
- Urging action to tackle the failings at Epping Forest College.
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